Java Local Installation

First download the jar file and save it in your program directory:

Note: Make sure the file retains the .jar file extension.

Then you need to create a script or batch file to run everything. On Linux the script would look like this:

/PATH/TO/YOUR/JAVA/bin/java --enable-preview -jar /PATH/TO/YOUR/JPO/JAR/Jpo-all.jar

Note: Put everything on one long line.

On a particular Windows machine I installed JPO into c:\Program Files\Jpo. The resulting JPO.bat file looks like this: (you can download it here: Jpo.bat


c:\windows\system32\java --enable preview -jar "c:\Program Files\Jpo\Jpo-all.jar"

Last update to this page: 21 Feb 2021
Copyright 2003-2022 by Richard Eigenmann, Zürich, Switzerland